Monday, November 07, 2005

White phosphorus


And I thought the use of depleted uranium (which burns armor but then leaves behind radiation) was horrible.

See this story in the 11/7/05 UK Independant.

--Phosphorus bombs ("Willy Pete") and an enhanced form of Napalm known as Mark 77 were supposedly used over there, in Falujah, a year ago. All this according a documentary being released by RAI," an Italian state media organization, called Fallujah: the Hidden Massacre.

Was this really necessary? Are there better things our tax dollars should be spent on?


CW Spec Coll said...

You should see the pictures of the people burned by the phosphorus. They are just totally barBQ'd.

CW Spec Coll said...

Hi, nobody I know of has removed any posts from this blog.